Sections:Release Notes

Release notes for TopazPort 0.3.1205

Released on 12/5/07

New Features and Enhancements


  • We are now running on PHP5


User Management

  • Mailing lists have been replaced by groups - this caused wide-spread changes in the groups code and the mailing code.

  • Group pages now provide a roster page of members if there are more than 20 members rather than listing them on the page

  • Passwords in the database are encrypted with a salt

  • Our subscription code has changed considerably.


Site Editing

  • We allow editing by people not logged in through the autouser class


Bug Fixes

  • A problem was fixed that showed up on Cyprian Consiglio when a title had certain punctuation in it, we showed an error message from massmind rather than the subsite, now the error message shows from subsite.